Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra is one of the popular festival not only in Odisha but also in India,
Lord Jagannath is believed as the
incarnation of Lord Vishnu deity is idolized in Puri in a
very princely manner. There are many mysterious folk tales as well as myths,
this Puri Rath Yatra festival has
gathered attention of the spiritual souls living across the world.
Celebration of RathYatra
In Puri Rath Yatra festival, the incomplete statues of Lord Jagannath,
brother Lord Balabhadra and sister Goddess Subhadra deities are taken to the
Gundicha Temple that is believed to be their aunt’s house. Three splendid
chariots named Nandighosh, Taladhwaja, Darpadolana are with their particular
color clothed to hold the deities to the destination. The deities take rest in
their aunt’s house for nine days throughout those nine days delicious dishes
are offered to them. After nine days the deities are coming back to temple and
this is named as BahudaYatra.Recently RathYatra
2016 in Odisha has been observed in last month of 6th July.
The holy town of Puri in Odisha
is renowned as the spiritual capital of Odisha. This tiny city is knownacross
the country for the large temple of Lord Jaganath and his chariot festival or
Ratha Yatra. This joyous festival starts from the most temple of Lord Jaganath
in Puri city. The chariots of the deities areunit taken to the Gundicha Temple
located within the different part of the town.
Puri Ratha Yatra festival is celebrated in the same manner and with
all the same rituals as it was observed during its starting time. Nothing is
changed yet. With priest chants, huge group of people singing songs, exclusive
sound of musical instruments and the gathered lakhs of devotees round the
temple makes this moment most spiritual during that time. Devotees pull the
chariots of Lord Jaganath, and Balabhadra at the side of the chariot of their
sister Subhadra. It’s believed that the devotees who get an opportunity to the
touch the ropes area unit endowed divinity. It’s throughout the
RathaYatracelebration only if Non-Hindus will have a glimpse of the deities.
Usually Non-Hindus are not allowed to enter into the temple of Lord Jagannath.
Apart from tourist attraction of Puri Ratha Yatra, the travelers will seek for bound different valuable
traveler choices. Puri Beach, Konark Beach, Konark Sun Temple area unit a
number of the foremost fascinating traveler attractions around Puri. conjointly
Chilika Lake and Chilika life Sanctuary area unit a couple of fashionable
rubber-necking places close to Puri.